Each month we sit down with a different designer to get a little insight into how they work, their design philosophy, and the industry as a whole. We thought we’d do things a little differently this month and get the dish from one of our purchasing agents, Cat McGowan. Purchasing is the unseen, behind-the-scenes work that helps all our design jobs run smoothly. We talked about how important purchasing is to our success and ultimately our clients’ successes.
LD & Co: Thanks for sitting down with us Cat. We know how crazy busy you are, so thank you. Purchasing is vital to every design job we do here at LD & Co. And with each job there are so many variables, unique details, and deadlines. How do you manage it all? Do you have a certain process you employ?
Cat: You’re right, each job has a unique timeline, so every job is different. But prior to starting any job we map out the ordering process and create a specific timeline in order to meet that specific client’s needs.
LD & Co: What do you think is the most valuable skill that you have learned over the years?
Cat: For me it’s been learning how people work and how to alter my style to best meet their needs. Every designer is different, some more formal than others, but as you get to know these preferences, working together is a breeze.
LD & Co: Having to juggling so many different tasks each day, how do you stay on track and organized?
Cat: Prioritization. Often, things seem urgent, but you must take everything day by day and figure out what needs the most attention. Sometimes this gets overwhelming, but it always pays off in the end.
LD & Co: What is your favorite or rewarding part of your job?
Cat: The final product! Even though we’re behind the scenes, knowing you were a part of the team to make something happen feels amazing.
LD & Co: Thanks so much for all you do Cat. We all appreciate it.
To see some of the jobs that Cat has been a part of please visit our website and follow us on Instagram.