Designing for the Buyer’s Life Stage Not Life Age

The first time home buyer is no longer only a 20-something just starting their first job. Furthermore, an established homeowner moving up to accommodate a growing family isn’t relegated to the 30-35 year old with 2.5 children crowd. Be it career pressures, or just lifestyle choices, today’s home buyers are reaching different milestones at a variety of ages. 

As builders and developers, understanding how to meet the needs of home buyers at these different life stages is key. To address this important topic, Lita along with John Guilliams from KGA Architects, led a session on Designing for Life Stages at this year’s IBS. If you were unable to attend the session (or just want a refresher) please send us an email and we will send you a synopsis. 

Learning, sharing, networking, and lots of laughing…IBS 2020 was a roaring success!
Love seeing our industry evolve and grow. Plus, it’s always so fantastic to connect with friends, old and new. Looking forward to next year in Florida.
Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram to see more pictures from this year’s IBS.

Pictured: Lynn Basso (NAHB), Roland Narinsey (New Home Sales Plus), Eric Nicholl (Traditions of America – TOA), Lita, Jay Goldberg (TOA)

Pictured: Kim Adams (Brambleton Group), Jay Goldberg, Lita

Pictured: Lita & Tom Devine (Housing Design Matters)

Pictured: Denise Dersin SGC Horizon (Professional Builder), Lita, Kim Adams

Pictured: John Guilliams (KGA Studio Architects) and Lita

Dishing with a Designer


To kick off the year we decided to take break from our regular “dishing with a designer” and instead ask the designers to share their ideas on what trends they see for the building industry in 2020 (and beyond).Click here to read some of our designer’s predictions.

Designing for Winter-Time Joy

We want anyone who enters a model we’ve designed to find joy. (Despite what Mother Nature has going on outside.) Read how we design to increase winter-time joy in model homes.


At LD & Co we help our clients from soup to nuts: from conception to reality. Click here to see one of our latest creations come to life for Metro Group in Union, NJ.

(Resolve to) Eat, Drink, and Be Merry!


It’s still within the first quarter of the year so hopefully you haven’t broken (all) your new year’s resolutions yet! If healthy eating was one of your resolutions this is a great place to start.

If exercising more, was your resolution, this site has some great tips on how to start (and stay) exercising.

And as always, we fully subscribe to the belief that laughter is the best medicine! So when you’re looking to take a break from work, and get a few giggles in, check out this list of humor websites. As Lita always says “if it’s not fun, then why do it?” (Or something like that.)

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