The Enneagram provides a personality map that shows the unique gifts different people bring to their team and workplace. When each of our strengths is leveraged, and we are given a role in the team that plays to our strengths, we thrive and contribute to our collective work. The Enneagram also identifies areas of difficulty for each of the nine types, areas where teammates can provide support and better understand how we can balance with one another. All of the nine Enneagram types have the potential to work well in teams.
The Lita Dirks & Co. team has partnered with Tallon Consulting to identify the teams’ Enneagram numbers. As we come back together in the office, good communication and understanding are critical to the end result for our clients. Strong collaborative skills are more crucial in the workplace today than ever before. According to the New York Times, jobs with a strong social component continue to increase, while more solitary occupations have lost positions. Additionally, modern workplaces of all kinds are embracing a collective, consensus-based approach, with over 70 percent of offices using an open floor plan in their company.
This partnership has enabled us to create a wonderful ‘dance’ – an ebb and flow – to our client’s project completion too. We are unearthing new creative energy and seeing the best in our people. The world around us feels like a pressure cooker – knowing ourselves better allows us to find the beauty in every day. The best part of this process? We are able to remain fresh and get inspired when under pressure. Get to know Tallon Consulting and drop us a note on what type you are!